The other day, i took in a visit to downtown hot shop
Opening Ceremony, and gawked at all the clothes that I could not afford. Out of all the amazing collections that the store carries, nothing really got me too excited...except for some amazing leather bags by Steve Mono. A few thoughts ran thru my mind, then realized that paying my rent was much more a priority. Steve Mono is a line of leather bags that are so fantastic! The clean simplicity of the bags, so classic, yet so modern at the same time. The aesthetic that describes my personal style to a tee. These bags were made for me. Especially as my style moves into a more rustic look (think LL Bean). The bag line which is crafted in Spain, was started in 2006 by Steve Mono himself. You must check out the website. Below are a few of my choice picks. Definitely on my shopping list for Fall 2010!